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My name is Anthony Guntert and i'm a freshman at the Webb School of California. I love reading and writing, so naturally I started a writing blog thinking it would be fun. It contains a bi-monthly publication of my own called The Messenger. It can be found here: Over my winter break, I decided to start a second blog on my other favorite pastime, reading. I love the feeling you get from a good book; and I mean a REALLY good book. I get swept up in its pages and transported from my (slightly) boring reality to a world of mystery and intrigue, of loyalty and betrayal, of friends and bitter enemies, of miracles and catastrophes, of love and hate, of sharp wit and sarcasm, of life and death; of endless literary possibilites that make me feel the pain, joy, suffering, and happiness as if I was part of the story. Now, before you write me off as some crazy kid on shrooms, I encourage you to experience this feeling, if you haven't already. If you have, then bully for you. 


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